Dimensions of Wellness: Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness

When people say wellness, they often think of physical wellness, referring to their overall health. If you have been reading the 12 Days of Wellness emails so far, you now know that wellness takes on many dimensions.

Physical wellness has several sub-components, but it has to do with the physical body and take care of it now and in anticipation of the future.

Of course, this component includes engaging in regular exercise and eating well. Still, it also includes getting preventive checkups and screenings, having healthy habits and behaviors, and protecting yourself from potential harm.

Here are some more specific things in the area of physical wellness to consider that can help with optimal health today and in the future, however long that may be: 

  • Exercise daily. Get up, get out, and MOVE that body. You don’t need a gym membership to do this.

  • Eat a variety of healthy foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, plant proteins such as nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes, along with lean protein from animal sources if you choose.

  • Limit added sugars, added solid fats, and excessive portion sizes.

  • Get appropriate rest and sleep by having consistent bedtime and limiting outside distractions (such as electronic devices) in the bedroom.

  • Get appropriate health screenings. Please don’t put it off to avoid bad news. Early detection of many health conditions leads to better outcomes and, sometimes, less invasive treatments.

  • Always wear seat belts, even if driving just a mile or two, wear and buckle helmets for biking, skiing/snowboarding, skating, and other activities, and utilize other protective equipment when available.

  • And, really, stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke if this is something you are exposed to. Tobacco use is the single leading cause of preventable death in the United States.

Today, make a list of at least FIVE things you can do to improve or address your physical wellness. That may be making an appointment for that screening you have been putting off, vowing to add at least one serving of vegetables to your daily diet; setting a consistent bedtime; buy a new bike helmet; lacing up the shoes to go for a 15-minute daily walk.

Now take your list of items and IMPLEMENT them now. Not January 1, but today.

**If you can’t schedule the health appointment right now, then make sure the phone number is in your calendar to call that specific day in the calendar.

This was previously part of the 12 Days of Wellness 2020 – emailed to participants of that holiday email campaign in December 2020. Additional posts about the dimensions/pillars of wellness continue each week on #WellnessWednesday for six weeks in total.


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